We received this great idea for fundraising from Janine Reilly, Senior VIP from Freehold, NJ who is in the Karen Lorenzo Unit. We wanted to pass it on to you – it’s a great one for May or June. Thank you Janine and Karen for sharing…..
The consultants are the heart of the W.H.O. Foundation, so NY/NJ teams are setting a mission to raise money in addition to the pledge donations by having Monthly Rally Raffles.
We are asking everyone to bring an item to the unit rally that we can raffle off that night. It can be store bought, homemade, edible, a re-gift, something someone else might enjoy. We will have all items displayed and an opportunity for everyone to buy raffle tickets to try to win a desired item. So please come with a little cash to buy raffles and you can take something home, all while donating to the W.H.O. Foundation.
May/June Monthly Rally Raffle
Consider bringing items for a Graduation Day or Welcome to Spring themed basket. For some examples, it can be anything that a special graduate would enjoy…..BeautiControl products, WHO’s Gorgeous products, a gift card to a local store where they can purchase items for a dorm or apartment, picture frame, candles, a little spending money!
May and June seem to start bringing warm weather back and spring really arrives! Put together a basket to welcome the sunshine and nice days. Fill a watering can with gardening gloves, a spade and trowel and some seeds for planting. Include a gardening book or a guide to identifying plants. Add a floppy gardening hat for fun and maybe a fold-able kneepad to kneel on while planting flowers.
Please do not feel obligated to bring an item for the month if you do not have anything to donate, we do not want anyone stressing over it. Thank you for the participation and for donating to the W.H.O.
From the W.H.O. Staff
W.H.O. Walk: Please don’t forget to pre-register for the W.H.O. Walk. Just go to BeautiNet and sign up under events where you sign up for Celebration. Only $20 to pre-register. It will be $25 on-site.
New You for W.H.O: Purchase your tickets now to be automatically entered into the drawing for a make-up and hair makeover at Celebration – just in time for the annual awards event! Find the ticket order form on BN>Business Tools>Forms on File>WHO.
Basket Raffle: Brainstorm with your unit to come up with an idea for the W.H.O. Basket Raffle at Celebration. This is a fabulous fundraiser for W.H.O. and we always look forward to your creations!